Frequently Asked Questions


What are rBonds?

rBonds are Rena's unique liquidity incentivization technology, and rBonds are available for purchase on Rena's rBond Marketplace. rBonds are one-way "buy only" DEX style liquidity pairs offering tokens, often at a discount. Tokens purchased are held in vesting lock periods which must pass before they are claimable.

What is the rBond Marketplace?

The rBond Marketplace is where users access and browse rBonds and purchase discount tokens. With every rBalance, rBond discounts are reset to their target discount percentage rate. rBalances happen on a periodic schedule and can be called manually by rBond creators.

What is the Lock Duration?

This refers to the time during which tokens are held before they are delivered to the recipient of an rBond purchase. It ensures that the receiver does not instantly dispose of the token and must wait the vesting period. The lock duration of an rBond can be set by its creator so the lock durations can vary from rBond to rBond.

What are Verified/Unverified rBonds?

rBonds are sorted into two main categories: Verified and Unverified. rBond creation is trustless in nature, so the Rena DAO has a process in place to verify rBonds created. Users can toggle between Verified and Unverified views in the marketplace. All rBonds are created initially as Unverified until updated to Verified (if ever).

Are Unverified rBonds safe?

Unverified rBonds are risky and users need to inspect the token addresses in the rBond carefully before purchasing to ensure they are the tokens they want and not a bad actor. rBond creation is trustless, and any tokens can be listed (this unfortunately includes fakes and scams).


How long are RENA tokens locked for?

You can decide the lock period for your RENA tokens when rStaking. The longer the lock period, the more significant the boost to rStaking rewards. (Max lock period is 365 days for a max bonus of x2). You can also select a 0-day lock period and be able to claim your tokens anytime, but you will not get a bonus to your rewards.

What is rStaking?

rStaking is Rena's unique staking mechanism for its utility token RENA, where rewards are generated from Rena's rBond Marketplace. It enables single-sided RENA token staking and directly benefits rStakers as protocol participants.

How do I claim my rewards?

rStaking rewards come in the form of RENA/ETH UNI-V2 LP tokens and can be claimed at any time in the rStaking interface.

What are LP tokens?

LP tokens (Liquidity Provider tokens) represent your share in a liquidity pool. In this context, rStakers accumulate rewards in the form of RENA/ETH LP tokens. Rena uses Uniswap V2 LP tokens which can be redeemed via Uniswap for the RENA and ETH tokens held inside (including any fees earned by those LP tokens from trading on Uniswap).

What are the benefits of rStaking mechanics?

A simple one-way staking model for RENA tokens simplifies the process, provides a more user-friendly experience, and allows rStakers to accumulate rewards in their RENA/ETH LP tokens rewards even while they are unclaimed. Longer lock periods provide greater rStaking boosts and move RENA out of circulation.

What is the purpose of rStaking?

The purpose of rStaking is to support Rena's rBond Marketplace, bolster RENA/ETH liquidity, and provide a channel for rewarding Rena protocol participants.


What is rGov?

rGov is a voting token introduced to create a fair governance system in Rena Protocol. It ensures that the voters are long-term thinkers and aims to minimize attack vectors.

What is rGov used for?

The rGov token is used to create proposals and vote on the Rena Snapshot. It allows holders to control upgrades to the protocol, make changes to rates, fees, and other mechanics, and have voting power over grants and proposals.

How does rGov work?

rGov tokens are minted when a user stakes their Iteration Syndicate (ITS) and rGov are burned when the ITS is unstaked. The tokens give holders the ability to vote on various aspects of the network, providing a mechanism for decentralized control.

What is the lockup period?

Staking and unstaking rGov tokens will cause them to be locked for 72 hours. This lockup period helps ensure minimal attack vectors and prevents insincere voting. If you stake more rGov during the lock period, the 72 hour lock period will restart for all of your rGov.

What can I vote on?

With rGov tokens, you have voting power over proposals put forward by other Rena DAO participants on subjects including upgrades to the protocol, changes to rates, fees, policy, and other mechanics.

Contact Us

Have a question not answered here? Reach out to Rena via the community social channels:

Twitter: @rena_finance Discord: https://discord.gg/ZW76XDzg8f Telegram: https://t.me/RenascentDefi

Last updated